Electrics vehicles in Poland – Flurish

Another movie made in Flurish and DaVinci Resolve.

Data include all registered electric vehicles in Poland. It contains only vehicles where electric engine is the the only engine installed (no hybrid cars).

Vehicles registered in CEPIK (polish vehicles database) on 16/6 2022. Please note that data include all vehicles registered (including e.g. scooters, motorbikes, and electric buses)

Data downloaded by python script ( https://github.com/czterdziesci4/polish-vehical-database-cepik ) using CEPIK Api.

Title: Electric vehicles in Poland Animation:


Link to Flurish presntation

Source: Cepik Updated: 2022-06-16 Music: Youtube – Modern Time

Python – data from CEPIK API

What is CEPIK?

CEPIK is polish public IT system of database containing data and information on road motor vehicles, their owners, as well as information about driving licenses issued in Poland.


Cepik have its Api and you can use it to download information. This short script will help you to do it automatically. The process may take a couple of minutes because system’s reply is limited to 500 records per one request and sometimes system do not reply or limits the number of request. More information how API works you may find at CEPIK Api documentation.


Github repository – link