Calendar Tabele

Very simple but useful Calendar table for Power Bi

Calendar = 
		CALENDARAUTO() /*CALENDAR(date(startyear,1,1),date(endyear,12,31))*/
		,"Day Name",FORMAT([Date],"DDDD")
		,"Day of Week",(WEEKDAY([Date],1))
		,"Day of Month",DAY([Date]) 
		,"Week Name", "Week of " & DATE(YEAR([Date]),MONTH([Date]),DAY([Date]))-(WEEKDAY([Date],1)-1)
		,"Week of Year", WEEKNUM([Date],1)
		,"Month", DATE(YEAR([Date]),MONTH([Date]),1)
		,"Month Name", FORMAT([Date],"MMMM")
		,"Month of Year", MONTH([Date])
		,"Month Year Name", FORMAT([Date],"MMM") & " " & YEAR([Date])
		,"Month Year Name Sort",(100*YEAR([Date])+MONTH([Date]))
		,"Quarter Name", "Q" & ROUNDUP(MONTH([Date])/3,0)
		,"Quarter Year Name", "Q" & ROUNDUP(MONTH([Date])/3,0) & " " & YEAR([Date])
		,"Year", DATE(YEAR([Date]),1,1)
		,"Year #",YEAR([Date]))

B2B e-platform

Eshop in Takt. A web platform as make-to-order selling formula for most common company products. Platform offers a dozens of products such as vinyl records or cd disc. All products are widely configurable. During the configuration prices are automatically calculated and presented online. Client may download all necessary layouts for printing artworks preparation as well as upload them back with audio. More at

Eshop works as saas. My role was: php, html, css code modifications, products and structure configuration, building price calculations mechanism and all formal regulations.

Electrics vehicles in Poland – Flurish

Another movie made in Flurish and DaVinci Resolve.

Data include all registered electric vehicles in Poland. It contains only vehicles where electric engine is the the only engine installed (no hybrid cars).

Vehicles registered in CEPIK (polish vehicles database) on 16/6 2022. Please note that data include all vehicles registered (including e.g. scooters, motorbikes, and electric buses)

Data downloaded by python script ( ) using CEPIK Api.

Title: Electric vehicles in Poland Animation:

Link to Flurish presntation

Source: Cepik Updated: 2022-06-16 Music: Youtube – Modern Time

Python – data from CEPIK API

What is CEPIK?

CEPIK is polish public IT system of database containing data and information on road motor vehicles, their owners, as well as information about driving licenses issued in Poland.


Cepik have its Api and you can use it to download information. This short script will help you to do it automatically. The process may take a couple of minutes because system’s reply is limited to 500 records per one request and sometimes system do not reply or limits the number of request. More information how API works you may find at CEPIK Api documentation.


Github repository – link

“Old” performance management and “new” performance management


“What you measure is what you manage” says one of the most famous performance truisms. Taking it into consideration organizations implement more and more sophisticated methods of measuring and managing of their performance. Among years that systems has evaluated becoming much more detailed providing standardized set of information to their recipients.

Nowadays we live in “new economy”, economy that basis its value on knowledge, information, brands, know-how, license and other intangible assets that despite that do not have its physical form sometimes presents a significant or even fundamental part of company value. Some companies also polish one, build its value mostly on intangibles rather than on typical physical resources.

This new economic order challenges and offers innovative opportunities to the audit professionals and financial analysts and to the top managers. It became obvious that traditional methodology that was created to measure tangible assets may not be such efficient or even may appear irrelevant to measure intangible. In particular, the so-called intellectual capital supplements starts to be more popular part of annual reports of companies those assets are mostly intangible. This data pose a real problem of verification and scope of information which are disclosed to institutional investors and the general public. The procedures for verification and assessment of this new information are immature and need to be standardized and agreed at an international level.

Report is divided into four chapters. Chapter number one describes new trends in economy that is much more depending on intangible assets. Second chapter shortly describes main traditional measurement system as well as reveal its advantages and disadvantages. The same construction refers to chapter no. 3 where pros and cons of new performance systems are discussed. At the end of the report reader will find short summary of the findings.

Download full report in pdf (377 kb)